In this world there is a multitude of criminals; however, criminals are both created and born. There is nothing we can do about people who are born with the tendency to kill or rape, yet we can stop the ones that are created though. Criminals were once children themselves; however, along the way in their childhood, they were abused somehow and developed their tendency towards rape or murder. Jobin Ponnambily argues that there is truly no place safe for a child indoors nor outdoors. She is a nursing Professor at the Chettinad College of Nursing. At the moment she wants to offer solutions to child sex abuse and prevent it from ever happening to any other child. Young Jobin exclaimed, “I am very scared to get into the school bus. I hate him. If my parents came to pick me up on time from school after annual day function in the night, it wouldn’t happen to me” (Jobin). This quote from the author's own experience said it all. There is no place safe enough for kids indoors nor outdoors. Reported in The Hindu on 14 May 2018: ’A 10-year-old girl was sexually abused inside a cinema theatre in Malappuram district by 60-year-old, even as the girls’ mother sat next to him with alleged full knowledge of the heinous crime being committed. The incident was caught on CCTV cameras (Jobin 15). Children that have gone through such an event like that of rape or even worst one committed by a relative or parent there is a higher chance of suicidal tendencies and criminal activities. Therefore, a solution for this unprecedented epidemic must be found for the safety of the future of humanity, or else we the human race will remain to stagnate in our development and increase the risk of death caused by our own hands.  
This study on “Sexual Assault Perpetrators’ Justifications for Their Actions: Relationships to Rape Supportive Attitudes, Incident Characteristics, and Future Perpetration, ” examined the relationships between rape supportive attitudes, sexual assault incident characteristics, and the post-assault justifications of 183 men sampled from the community who self-reported committing at least one act of sexual aggression. For instance, research has consistently shown a positive relationship between rape-supportive attitudes and sexual assault perpetration. Although everyone has the right to say no to sexual activity at any time, regardless of any past history of sexual relations or sexual activity earlier in the interaction, many common rape supportive attitudes are likely to be activated in these situations. Men who more strongly endorse the belief that women's drinking is a cue for their sexual interest are also more likely to endorse rape supportive attitudes, apperceive women's sexual intent, and perpetrate an alcohol-involved sexual assault. Sexual assault incident characteristics accounted for an additional 22% of the variance in post-assault justifications, above and beyond the 17% accounted for by rape-supportive attitudes. The Ministry of Women and Child Development releases the results of a national level survey of NCPCR in 2017, in which 53% of the children revealed that they had been subjected to sex abuse and were unreported (Wegner 2). Future research should consider rape supportive attitudes as a potential mediator of the relationship between post-assault justifications and future sexual assault perpetration, utilizing a longitudinal design.

I met up with my cousin Lily during her lunch break. We met up at a Korean BBQ restaurant in San Diego. Lily currently resides in San Diego. She works as a senior caretaker. As I was seated on the other side of the table, I saw how tired she was. She informs me that her current career does that give her the feeling that she is making any difference in the world. As we were talking about her experience that caused her change of outlook in life. Lily explained she was surprised of how cruel this world is, “Why do innocent kids have to face this kind of punishment, and if so is there no god or at least karma in the world that can smite the villains that do these acts of atrocities?” 
The article "Why Have I Been Touched Badly? A 22 years Follow-Up Research Study on Factors Influencing Child Sex Abuse and Solutions to Stop It, " describes the incidence of child sex abuse has become an unresolved issue and how it is increasing dramatically nowadays. Author Jobin Ponnambily has identified 6 phases of child sex abuse: observation phase, introduction phase, Samaritan phase, isolation phase, execution phase and termination phase.  The author has conducted a 22-years prospective and inquisitive search to explore the factors influencing the sex abuse from offender’s and victim/target’s point of view and to find a solution to eradicate this crime towards children. The existing body of literature regarding this issue is very limited. Children are the treasure and the future of humanity, so why must they suffer from the disgusting filth that wants to destroy them. There must be a way to prevent that and keep the children of the future safe. Ponnambily believes that there is a way to dissolve this kind of crime done to children. While somehow there are not that many research or literature was done on this kind of crime. Ponnambily has found 6 phases of child sex abuse to figure out if a child has been abused. I suppose the world is too corrupt, and most people fear standing up for being noticed and slandered by the public to actually do a thing in this modern society. As for Ponnambily, she is actually trying to make a change in this society that denies that of child rape/ sexual abuse in the family. The world has to change if the human race wants to keep advancing and stagnating.


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