Movie Review - Plus Two

  1. A young shepherd boy.
  2. From Southern Spain.
  3. Has the same dream.
  4. About a hidden treasure in Egypt.
  5. Repeating over and over again.
  6. Which eventually leads him to investigate it.
  7. He learns that one day everyone finds out.
  8. What their destiny is.
  9. That it requires passion and desire.
  10. To make your destiny become a reality.
  11. Along the journey.
  12. To find the treasure.
  13. He meets new and strange people.
  14. Some of which become his friends.
  15. Its also touch his heart.
  16. The combined teachings.
  17. From his companions finally lead him.
  18. To a realization that is much bigger than even the treasure itself.

A young shepherd boy in Southern Spain has the same dream about a hidden treasure in Egypt, over and over again, which eventually leads him to investigate it. He learns that one day, everyone finds out what their destiny is and that it requires passion and desire to make your destiny become a reality. Along the journey to find the treasure he meets new and strange people, some of which become his friends and touch his heart. The combined teachings of his companions finally lead him to a realization that is much bigger than even the treasure itself.

  1. A long time ago.
  2. In a galaxy far away.
  3. The evil Sith Lord PALPATINE.
  4. Has overthrown the galactic Republic.
  5. As also installed himself.
  6. As the Emperor of his own Empire.
  7. The last bastion of defense.
  8. An ancient order of peacekeepers.
  9. Known as the Jedi Knights.
  10. Have seemingly been eradicated.

A long time ago, in a galaxy far away, the evil Sith Lord PALPATINE has overthrown the galactic Republic and installed himself as the emperor of his own Empire. The last bastion of defense, an ancient order of peacekeepers known as the Jedi Knights, have seemingly been eradicated.
  1. The Strawhat Pirates is an amazing gang of people.
  2. Luffy, the captain of this crew is one peculiar character.
  3. Despite behaving like a child.
  4. There’s been certain tough situations
  5. From in which Luffy’s been forced to realize.
  6. That not everything in life can be solved by stretching.
  7. Sometimes life gets hard.
  8. An you have to think things through before acting.
  9. In that sense.
  10. Luffy is like an animal. (MONKEY D. Luffy, he):
  11. He’s very impetuous.
  12. He also acts based purely on instinct.
  13. Luffy is of course not the smartest person there is.
  14. Thus becoming more likable.
  15. Due to his goofy way of expressing himself.
  16. Which is where another key point about Luffy comes in.
  17. He's honest.
  18. He's honest to himself.
  19. An that allows him to do things others couldn't.
  20. Let's not forget his Devil Power
  21. Which is actually rather fascinating.
  22. Oda really brought in the big guns for creativity.
  23. As I myself started to wonder about having a Devils power for myself.

The Strawhat Pirates is an amazing gang of people. Luffy, the captain of this crew is one peculiar character. Despite behaving like a child, there’s been certain tough situations in which Luffy’s been forced to realize that not everything in life can be solved by stretching. Sometimes life gets hard and you have to think things through before acting. In that sense, Luffy is like an animal (MONKEY D. Luffy, he): he’s very impetuous and acts based purely on instinct. Luffy is of course not the smartest dude there is, thus becoming more likable due to his goofy way of expressing himself. Which is where another key point about Luffy comes in. He's honest. He's honest to himself and that allows him to do things others couldn't. Let's not forget his Devil Power, which is actually rather fascinating. Oda really brought in the big guns for creativity, as I myself started to wonder about having a Devils power for myself.


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